
Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The Beginning

Starting something new is scary and exciting. Actually, did you know that your body does the same thing whether it is excited or scared? Your heart races, palms get sweaty, body gets jittery, lump in your throat, and maybe even a little light headed from being overwhelmed with emotion. The difference between scared and excited is our choice. We make the choice whether to be excited or scared. For this new beginning, I'm going to choose excited.

Let me introduce myself, I'm Audra. I am a 30 something mom to 4 beautiful blessings. My husband, Teacher, is currently a middle school science teacher. Our children range in ages from 17 to 1. Our oldest 3 joined our family through adoption almost 5 years ago: Wrestler, Resolver, and Brave-One. Our youngest, Joy, arrived after 7 years of God choosing to close my womb. Each child is a blessing that makes me smile and makes me cry. Although, I am choosing not to use their names I will share with you their character. Many stories about each of them to come.

Writing will be my way of connecting you with my family and our newest journey. We are expecting another little miracle, #5, sometime in February. This journey is very different from all the others. This little miracle will be arriving at home. Teacher and I try to do things as naturally as possible in our house and teach our children to make wise choices. After much prayer and counsel we believe it to be in all our best interest to do a home birth with our coming little one. We are not finding out the gender. Mostly, we are going as old-school as possible with this one. Thrilled, anxious, nervous, elated, and "what the heck are we doing" are only a few of the emotions that run through our thoughts daily. I look forward to sharing with you are road of becoming a family of 7.

Over the past few months God has been growing a vision in my heart to empower moms. I long to pour into you what God is daily pouring into me. This road is not meant to be walked alone or in silence. My desire is that as I share my journey, both the struggles and the joys, that you will be empowered to live life abundantly and dangerously surrendered to our Maker.

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