
Monday, October 6, 2014

The Power of Words

And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. God saw that the light was good,and he separated the light from the darkness. God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day.Genesis 1: 3-5
God spoke the entire creation into existence. His very first act in His Word is to CALL out light. What power! In fact the entire bible is filled with his words. His mind. We devour his Word as truth to live by. We recognize the power in His Word. As believers we understand the power of God's Word, but do we understand the power of our own words? If God has given us access to the same power as Christ then how could we not believe the power of our words? The Bible speaks over and over again of people casting out demons, healing, and bringing forgiveness with words. I read over and over again in the bible at how people were so careful to choose their words. So many of the words I read are spoken to bring hope, life, healing, and love. There are also many words that are used to bring hate, slander, death, and destruction. Oh the power of words.

Do you ever notice how in our culture today we have throw words around like we would a piece a trash? So many of the words spoken aren't really what we mean. We aren't always considerate of others with the words we speak. Maybe we aren't thinking at all when words slip out of our mouth. When a friend has a need we say "oh I'll pray for you." But how often do we really take the time to pray for them? Or maybe we say "let's get together soon" but never take the time to actually get together. We tell someone "good job" but in our heads we don't believe it. And even worse we say way to much out loud that should actually stay in our head, "She's fat. He's not fast enough. I am so much better than she is. That kid is so mean. Did you see what they did? This cashier is so slow. This server must not want a tip." Oh, I've said those things. I'm not perfect. I'm preaching to myself here. Sometimes the words spoken truly are meant to cause pain to someone else. Maybe it's the though that if I bring someone else pain it will give me a second to not focus on my own pain. It's ridiculous. If from the very beginning of time words have had power why would me or anyone else feel that they no longer have the same? Words will either bring life or destroy. It's one or the other. There are no neutral words. In our house we often say, "you words can either be roses or thorns". Either way they have power. 

If I were more intentional and thoughtful with my words I would always say "I love you" to the people that matter to me. I would tell my husband how much I admire him and how thankful I am to walk this journey by his side. I would tell Wrestler that his smile lights up a room. I would tell Resolver that he makes me laugh till my belly hurts with his constant entertainment. I would tell Brave-One that he melts my heart every morning when he says "I love you, Mom" as he runs to the bus. I would tell Joy that she makes me want to be a mom every moment of every day. These are the things I want to say but don't always. Some days I choose to get frustrated that they don't do their contributions, things are a mess around the house, that no one helps me make dinner, complain that I have to change another diaper. I am sad to say that this is more realistic. My words have power. They are either building up or tearing down. And you know what? I'm thankful for their power. I'm thankful that God has given me power in words that I can change any moment with my words. I am thankful for the life, hope, and love they can bring. May I choose to bring life more with my words. 
11 Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.1 Thessalonians 5:11

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