It was always very important to me when I became a mother to be able to stay at home with my kiddos. I have been very blessed that my dream has been a reality from the moment our children first stepped into our doors. My husband has always been faithful to use the talents God has given him to provide for our family. I am forever grateful to his love for our family that allows me to stay home.
Being home with my kiddos has given me freedom to make lunches, long snuggles on the couch, many hours of lego building, chess at 6am, park outings with friends, and even dinner from scratch (on most nights). Although sometimes I just need some adult interaction and don't want to hear the word "mom" one more time, I wouldn't trade it for the world. I hate doing laundry or dusting. I don't mind grocery shopping or even cooking. I do wish that there was a meal planning fairy that would find delicious and healthy things for me to cook for my family. There is always noise in our house from children laughing, siblings fighting, music playing, or someone yelling "MOM HE TOUCHED MY STUFF". Yeah, always something. A little disclaimer to anyone new to my writing, I will not pretend that my family is perfect or we have it all together. I will not paint this rosy picture of our beautiful and abundant life. Quite the contrary. We are a beautiful mess who takes everyday as it comes.
Before 6am everyone is awake. Teacher has already been up for a few hours getting ready for his day. I'm not the morning person the mother in me desires to be. It just doesn't happen. Pregnancy has once again kicked my coffee habit so I rely on my Peppermint essential oil to get me going in the mornings. Wrestler and Resolver catch the bus to the local high school by 7am and Teacher heads to school himself. Thus leaving only Brave-One, Joy and myself till Brave-One catches his bus at 8am. That hour when there is only 3 is a jammed packed hour. Brave-One adores his little sister to pieces and loves to read with her in her play house or build blocks on the living room floor. It still warms my heart to watch them enjoy each other because for so long Brave-One was our youngest and because of our long road of building trust we feared that having a biological baby would take us back so many steps. In God's great faithfulness to our family the opposite has occurred. Brave-One loves little Joy with everything inside him. He has learned to be a caring, loving, and protective big brother. It's beautiful!
Once 8am rolls around Joy kisses her brother good-bye and stares at him through the window until his bus can no longer be seen. Now for some girl time! The rest of the day is filled with naps, diaper changes, laundry, emails, phone calls, tea parties, bubble blowing, book reading, and lots of dancing. It's always been a thing with my little ones at home to dance. I remember years ago when Brave-One was still home with me. We used to slow dance every morning after his brothers went to school. He was so excited when he got to "dip" me and loved to spin or dance cheek to cheek. I can't wait to share all those same moments with Joy and eventually Boo#2.
Around 3 in the afternoon the crazy hours start as everyone begins arriving home from school, homework begins, friends come over, dinner gets started, and someone still has to make sure to keep an eye on Joy. Teacher is always home by dinner. Sitting down for dinner as a family is very important to us. That is one of my favorite memories from my childhood was dinners together around the table. Although we are still learning how to have conversations around the table we continue to try. After dinner baths, reading, and snuggles with the little ones before bed. Older ones continue with homework before they too turn in for the night.
I'll be honest and let you know I am not one of those moms who tries to get an entire's day worth of stuff done after my kids go to bed. I love and NEED my sleep. By 10pm I am out like a light. If it isn't accomplished by then it wasn't that important anyways. Tomorrow we will try again.
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